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Business & Profession

Business & Profession Other

Questioning the “Critical Period”

| Mark Hillen

Received wisdom says that there is a critical period after birth during which the brain is wired for sight; blindness then means blindness for life

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

Google’s Glucose Gadget

| Mark Hillen

Google is developing contact lenses that will help patients monitor their glucose status. The technology is not entirely new, but the company’s infrastructure, experience and muscle suggest that it could have a substantial medical and commercial impact.

Business & Profession Professional Development

The Month in Business

| Mark Hillen

Carl Zeiss and Aaren buy, Alimera raise working capital and Novo A/S make a milestone payment to Ophthotech for Fovista.

Business & Profession Professional Development

The Philanthropic Ophthalmologist

| Richard Gallagher

Be it battling blindness one patient at a time or changing global healthcare policies, ophthalmologists demonstrate admirable altruism.

Business & Profession Other

The Ophthalmologist Power List 2014

| Richard Gallagher

Ranking the 100 most influential people in ophthalmology. Which clinicians and researchers have the biggest impact on our field?

Business & Profession Professional Development

Six Strategies to Stimulate Resident Learning

| Karl Golnik

Academic ophthalmologists are expected to be effective teachers but receive little or no instruction on teaching methodology.

Business & Profession Professional Development

Re-engineering Healthcare

| Jim Taylor

For all of us associated with healthcare, it should be apparent that our world is on the cusp of a significant change.

Business & Profession Professional Development

Right place, right time

Sitting Down With Carrie MacEwen, Consultant Ophthalmologist at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Scotland, and President-Elect of the UK Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Business & Profession Basic & Translational Research

Gene Therapy Clinical Trials

| Irv Arons, Mark Hillen

The EMA approved the first gene therapy agent in 2012 – for lipoprotein lipase deficiency. Might gene therapies for ophthalmic disease reach the wards any time soon?

Business & Profession Retina

20/200 Drivers

| Mark Hillen

Americans love their cars and in many places you’re virtually stranded if you don’t drive. So does vision loss stop elderly Americans from driving?

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