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Business & Profession

Business & Profession Retina

E-learning for SPECTRALIS Widefield Imaging Module now available

For doctors and other operators to get familiar with the Widefield Imaging Module, the Heidelberg Engineering Academy has recently launched an interactive video tutorial.

Business & Profession Cataract

For Surgeons, By Surgeons

| Michael Mrochen

A new ocular biometer automates IOL selection and offers an exciting alternative to sometimes unpredictable IOL power formulae

Business & Profession Professional Development

Social Media: What’s the Point?

Using social media platforms to interact, educate and promote your practice

Business & Profession Professional Development

Patient Care at a Premium

| Laura Hobbs

The rise of the experience economy means that ophthalmology practices must go to great lengths to ensure their patients are receiving not just the best medical care, but also the best possible customer service

Business & Profession Other

The Closest Thing to The Six Million Dollar Man

| Mark Hillen

But he still doesn’t have a “bionic eye”, no matter what the newspapers tell you.

Business & Profession Cornea / Ocular Surface

Incredible Images

| Mark Hillen, Roisin McGuigan, Michael Schubert

Tumbling Es and Philanthropy

Business & Profession Professional Development

Lights, Camera, Education!

Hundreds of ophthalmologists log on each week to watch a live stream of Wills Eye Hospital’s Chiefs’ Rounds. What’s the attraction?

Business & Profession Professional Development

People and Physics

Sitting Down With…Paul Sieving, Director, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA.

Business & Profession Other

Strabismus Screening – Now There’s an App for That

| Roisin McGuigan

A smartphone app could simplify strabismus screening and pave the way for telemedicine

Business & Profession Other

Broken Bad

Methamphetamine manufacturers with work-related ocular injuries have particularly poor outcomes

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