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Business & Profession

Business & Profession Professional Development

Enterprising Ophthalmology

| Mark Hillen, Roisin McGuigan

Four people, three stories, one topic: entrepreneurship

Business & Profession Professional Development

Why Vision Research?

| Mark Hillen

We ask the next generation of ophthalmology researchers why they do what they do – and where they want to be 10 years from now.

Business & Profession Other

The Risks You Take With a Dead OS

| Mark Hillen

Windows XP is dead. No support, no security patches, nothing. You might have PCs or instruments in your office that still need XP to function – so what are the risks that you run?

Business & Profession Professional Development

The Million Dollar Man

| Mark Hillen

Sitting Down With… V.K. Raju, Founder and Medical Director of the Eye Foundation of America (EFA), a charitable organization that provides eye care to children in 21 developing countries

Business & Profession Other

Chinese Myopia Mystery

| Roisin McGuigan

The prevalence of myopia in Chinese children in middle-income areas far outstrips that of low-income areas – even after accounting for all known risk factors.

Business & Profession Retina

Italy vs. Big Pharma

| Roisin McGuigan

Italy reimburses off-label bevacizumab use in ophthalmology – pharma complains to the European Commission.

Business & Profession Professional Development

Eye to the Telescope

| Mark Hillen

This time around, The Ophthalmologist Power List seeks ophthalmology’s rising stars.

Business & Profession Other

Five Things We Learned This Month:

Five Things We Learned This Month:

Business & Profession Other

The Ophthalmologist Reader Survey

| Mark Hillen

Tell us your thoughts and be in with a chance of winning a unique prize.

Business & Profession Other

Benchmarking Cone Dystrophy

| Mark Hillen

What does analysis of the last five years of the cone dystrophy literature tell us about the priorities of the field and the major contributors to it?

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