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Business & Profession

Business & Profession Health Economics and Policy

Spending and Trending shows some interesting trends in ophthalmic therapy prescription and spend over the last five years

Business & Profession Professional Development

The Impact of The List

The Power List is a celebration of excellence – and the impact it’s had on those it highlights has been impressive

Business & Profession Cataract

Disruption! Inspired by Squid Suckers and Spot Welders

The definitive story of Zepto: from conception to capsulotomy

Business & Profession Other

(Ophthalmic) Space Oddity

Visual changes are a major risk in long-term spaceflight – but why are some astronauts more affected than others?

Business & Profession Basic & Translational Research

Bring Out Your Dead

The number of people donating their eye tissue for research purposes keeps on falling – why?

Business & Profession Professional Development

The Ophthalmologist Power List 2016

Cataloging the 100 most influential people in ophthalmology today

Business & Profession Professional Development

No Shrinking Violets

Gender gap in vision science is shrinking – what will the next generation of vision scientists look like?

Business & Profession Professional Development

All Change at Alcon

Novartis annex ophthalmic drug business; Jeff George replaced by Mike Ball

Business & Profession Professional Development

An Exposure Epiphany

When you want your work to be read, how well are you actually served by most journals?

Business & Profession Basic & Translational Research

Gene Editing: The Next Frontier in Ophthalmology

| Irv Arons

Imagine being able to edit, delete or replace defective genes. It’s happening in research labs, and will soon head to the clinic

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