03/07/2016 | Gregory D. Parkhurst
Refractive surgeons know the pros and cons of LASIK better than anyone – but how many would recommend it to their family, or undergo it themselves?
Visual changes are a major risk in long-term spaceflight – but why are some astronauts more affected than others?
The number of people donating their eye tissue for research purposes keeps on falling – why?
12/07/2015 | Sponsored by Oertli
Highlights from Oertli Instrumente AG’s Satellite Symposium, “The Future Way of Phaco and MIGS Surgeries,” held September 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
11/09/2015 | Mark Hillen
Preservatives in topical glaucoma therapy: they risk ocular surface disease and future filtration surgery failure, and do nothing to improve efficacy. Is it time to leave them behind?
11/05/2015 | Michael Schubert
A recent study on risk factors for myopia show it doesn’t always pay to be the eldest child…
11/05/2015 | Mark Hillen
In eye care, anyone with an idea can make a difference
10/15/2015 | Mark Hillen
Showcasing the greatest ophthalmic advances of the year
For doctors and other operators to get familiar with the Widefield Imaging Module, the Heidelberg Engineering Academy has recently launched an interactive video tutorial.
08/11/2015 | Mark Hillen
But he still doesn’t have a “bionic eye”, no matter what the newspapers tell you.
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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