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Health Economics and Policy

Subspecialties Health Economics and Policy

Tackling COVID-19 with Telemedicine

| Dawn Sim, Peter Thomas, Chris Canning

With the pandemic putting frontline health workers under mounting pressure, is it possible for ophthalmologists to safely see patients?

Subspecialties Glaucoma

The Burden of Proof

| Kaweh Mansouri

The glaucoma subspecialty is now at a turning point, but new approaches, including MIGS, must be based on high-quality evidence

Subspecialties Retina

Inspiration from Nature

| Michael Stumpp

The DARPin platform has the AMD and DME treatment burden firmly in its sights – but that’s only the beginning

Subspecialties Glaucoma

Head in the Clouds

| Ariel Cao

Organ-to-cloud technology is here – and it has its sights set on glaucoma

Subspecialties Diabetes

Connecting the Diabetes Dots

| Ralph Abraham

How important is a joint-up approach to caring for patients with diabetes and diabetic eye disease?

Business & Profession Retina

Luminous Leadership

| Sponsored by LumiThera

Clark E. Tedford tells us about his part in creating LumiThera, its flagship product and technology, and the company’s plans for the future

Business & Profession Education and Training

An Australian Icon

| Ian Wishart

In a new series, we present ophthalmology’s most inspiring figures, as told by those closest to them – beginning with the unsurpassable Fred Hollows

Subspecialties Retina

Eat, Shoot or Drop?

| Lauren Robertson

The standard of care for wet AMD presents a big burden for patients, so what other options are out there?

Subspecialties Comprehensive

All Eyes on Coronavirus

| Lauren Robertson

Leading ophthalmic bodies warn that COVID-19 can be transmitted through aerosol contact with the conjunctiva

Subspecialties Cataract

If You Think of It, Use It!

| David Lockington

How surgical adjuncts can make cataract surgery safer – and minimize costs in the long run

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