01/23/2021 | Aleksandra Jones
What do the Glaucoma Research Foundation survey results tell us about patients’ pandemic experiences?
01/22/2021 | Mary Elizabeth Hartnett
The goal of VISION 2020 was to reduce avoidable sight loss, but there is still work to be done to redress gender disparities
01/21/2021 | Jeff Pettey
A failure to meet preventable blindness targets speaks to the need for change
01/17/2021 | Noelle Whitestone, Hunter Cherwek
With the challenge of COVID-19, it’s more important than ever that NGOs strengthen their medical volunteer programs
01/16/2021 | Aleksandra Jones
The latest eye-related research – in 60 words or less
12/28/2020 | Amy Shapiro
Hematology researchers are embarking on the world’s first collaborative natural history study on congenital plasminogen deficiency
12/23/2020 | Sponsored by Laboratoires THEA
Positive outcomes are more likely if we ensure that patients are comfortable before, during and after cataract surgery
12/22/2020 | Sponsored by CorneaGen
Transform endothelial keratoplasty cornea transplant procedures with the preloaded EndoSerter-PL by CorneaGen
12/16/2020 | Aleksandra Jones
The world is (slowly) turning over a new leaf – not on its own, but with our combined commitment to change
12/16/2020 | Sponsored by Santen SA
For optimal efficacy and easy post-operative management, consider PRESERFLO™ MicroShunt, which can be combined with cataract surgery
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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