12/02/2015 | Michael Schubert
A new tissue culture model of the retinal pigment epithelium may allow researchers to better understand the impacts of new interventions on the adult human retina
11/10/2015 | Michael Schubert
The key to education and development is collaboration. Nowhere is this more obvious than in healthcare
11/06/2015 | Michael Schubert
Sitting Down With... Zoltán Nagy, Head of the Department of Clinical Ophthalmology and the Institute of Health Diagnostics, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, and Director of the Department of Ophthalmology at Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
11/05/2015 | Michael Schubert
A recent study on risk factors for myopia show it doesn’t always pay to be the eldest child…
Dichoptic films could offer a new and engaging treatment method for children with amblyopia
IOL power calculation formulae all have their own strengths and weaknesses – so researchers decided to combine those strengths into a single “super formula”
10/06/2015 | Mark Hillen, Michael Schubert
The Greek bailouts came with a price: austerity. This might come to pass as a highly myopic move. We explore its impact on ophthalmology – and the future health economic toll it will take on Greek society.
10/05/2015 | Michael Schubert
New neuroscience reveals that the synaptic connections between the retinal ganglion cells and the visual cortex are not as simple as first thought
Two research teams have developed very different ways of tackling retinitis pigmentosa, but both hold great promise
Object motion detector cell function relies on a unique interneuron and a special ‘sidekick’ recognition protein
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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