02/10/2015 | Roisin McGuigan
Could little balls of hydroxyapatite be the initiator of drusen formation?
01/12/2015 | Mark Hillen
What does analysis of the last five years of literature on retinopathy of prematurity tell us?
01/12/2015 | Roisin McGuigan
Are flexible, battery- and wire-less, light-sensitive nanotube films the future of retinal implants?
Sponsor companies proudly present their impressive contributions to the ophthalmic community.
12/08/2014 | Mark Hillen
Peek Retina is an adaptor for your smartphone that promises easy and high-quality fundoscopy – no matter if you’re in Scotland or sub-Saharan Africa
A previously unknown anti-inflammatory effect of common HIV/AIDS drugs may offer a safe and inexpensive treatment for dry AMD
11/17/2014 | Mark Latina
Current diagnostic methods for visual tests and imaging work are great, but can you obtain improved diagnoses with the addition of electrophysiological tests? For me, the answer is clear – after all, electrophysiology is no longer simply the domain of research institutes.
11/14/2014 | Mark Hillen
Raised risk of central serous chorioretinopathy associated with Androgel or Testopill treatment
11/14/2014 | Roisin McGuigan
Are a significant number of users risking retinal damage?
What does analysis of the last five years of literature on branch retinal vein occlusion tell us about the priorities of the field and the major contributors to it?
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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