12/05/2024 | The Ophthalmologist
Could certain eye colors be linked to a higher risk of developing uveal melanoma?
12/03/2024 | The Ophthalmologist
An Ophthalmology Retina paper introduces a new SD-OCT based staging system for full-thickness macular holes
12/02/2024 | Paul Hahn | 9 min read
A look at the phase III trials combining TKIs with sustained-release platforms for longer-acting therapies for wet age-related macular degeneration
11/29/2024 | Alun Evans
The Ophthalmologist brings you the top news stories and studies of the week
11/26/2024 | Michael Mikhail | 8 min read
Michael Mikhail details his surgical approach to retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) cases at Rwanda’s Kabgayi Eye Unit
11/22/2024 | Alun Evans
11/19/2024 | Julian Upton | 3 min read
The Power List celebrates the world’s most inspiring and influential ophthalmologists
11/18/2024 | Allen C. Ho | 7 min read
Could emerging neuroprotective strategies represent a new era for retinal disease treatment?
11/15/2024 | Alun Evans
11/14/2024 | Julian Upton | 2 min read
Fred Guerard, PharmD, CEO of Opthea, outlines the clinical development of sozinibercept in combination with standard-of-care anti-VEGF-A therapies
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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