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Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Incorporating Cross-Linking Into Your Practice

| Neda Shamie

Strategic planning and education are key to establishing a cross-linking center of excellence and attracting patient referrals

Subspecialties Pediatric

Tackling the Global Vision Crisis

| Darcy Wendel

How an amblyopia app is tackling the global vision crisis – starting with kids

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

CXL Unbound

| Farhad Hafezi

What drives progress in medicine? Identifying and meeting unmet needs

Subspecialties Glaucoma

Musings of a Prospective Angle Closure Patient

| Chelvin Sng

The “gold standard” treatment for angle closure disease is evolving – and it is a welcome change

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

Image of the Month

| Aleksandra Jones

This month’s image shows a specimen from a corneal ulcer under the microscope

Subspecialties Glaucoma

Time to Transform the Glaucoma Treatment Paradigm

| Gus Gazzard

SLT is an effective intervention for newly-diagnosed patients – and now we can prove it

Subspecialties Glaucoma

Banking on Data

| Paul Foster

Research groups around the UK are investigating over 100,000 clinical eye images and other data gathered by the UK Biobank

Subspecialties Health Economics and Policy

Glimpses of the Future

| Dawn Sim

In the UK, just 1,500 ophthalmologists manage nine million outpatient appointments each year. This imbalance needs to change

Subspecialties Practice Management

Broad Vision, High Impact

| Aleksandra Jones

Eight Moorfields experts share their vision of big data, AI and personalized medicine in current and future ophthalmic practice

Subspecialties Business and Innovation

Getting Eye Care Down to a Science

| Konstantinos Balaskas

Using digital technologies to streamline care for patients with common retinal conditions

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