05/23/2018 | Ruth Steer
Copper drops for the treatment of keratoconus.
04/19/2018 | Sheraz Daya
The secret to managing irregular astigmatism during cataract surgery? Tackling the problem at its source.
04/19/2018 | Mark Hillen
Kinoshita’s CEC+ROCK approach to treating corneal endothelial cell dystrophies enters the clinic.
03/28/2018 | Ruth Steer
Combating Acanthamoeba keratitis with plasma-activated water.
02/26/2018 | Mark Hillen
We analyze the clinicaltrials.gov corneal clinical trial dataset, to gain insight.
02/26/2018 | Monty Montoya
CEO of SightLife Surgical
02/05/2018 | Lawrence Hirst
There’s a gold-standard procedure for pterygium surgery, so why are people ignoring it?
01/31/2018 | Alain Saad
We need to rethink the concept of PTA as a predictor of post-LASIK iatrogenic ectasia risk.
01/31/2018 | Marcony Santhiago
Why the evidence shows that high PTA is a risk factor for post-LASIK ectasia.
01/31/2018 | Ruth Steer
A genetic link between CCT and glaucoma has been identified.
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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