Art is everywhere. Let's explore some exquisite images of all things ophthalmic…
A new haptics device that helps people with visual impairment interact with the world around them.
07/11/2017 | Arsham Sheybani and Rajendra S. Apte
Why phacovitrectomy may be a sensible option that makes cents.
07/11/2017 | Ruth Steer
Building a better study model for retinal disease.
07/11/2017 | Steve Charles
Performing OCT on all patients before cataract surgery prevents visual surprises.
07/11/2017 | Mark Hillen
Four OCT-A devices go head-to-head. Was there a winner?
07/11/2017 | Savak “Sev” Teymoorian
To achieve the highest quality of life for our glaucoma patients, we should be treating proactively.
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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