08/30/2019 | Jack Parker
Despite insurance hurdles, cross-linking can be a practice-building procedure – once you know the ropes.
Sitting Down With… Stefanie Schmickler, CEO of Augen Zentrum Nordwest in Germany and Deputy Editor of GMS Ophthalmology Cases
08/13/2019 | Louisa Wickham
Women are holding more positions of leadership in healthcare than ever before – but there’s plenty more to do
07/28/2019 | Nora Colton
Increasing demand for health care services and a changing technological landscape are demanding a rethink of ophthalmic training
Sitting Down With… Sir Peng Tee Khaw, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at Moorfields Eye Hospital
07/24/2019 | Bruce Allan
Unmet expectations, inconsistent patient information – enter the unstandardized world of elective surgery.
06/25/2019 | Aleksandra Jones
Sitting Down With… Robert MacLaren, Vitreoretinal Surgeon, Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Oxford, UK
06/13/2019 | Sponsored by Allergan
Introducing the winner of the ICO-Allergan Advanced Research Fellowship 2019
Hunter Cherwek speaks to The Ophthalmologist in support of the “See My Future” appeal
06/05/2019 | Danson V. Muttuvelu
A physician’s guide to using the Malyugin Ring 2.0 in complicated cataract cases
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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