07/01/2022 | Robert A. Van der Vaart | 6 min read
What are the benefits of incorporating MIGS into your comprehensive practice?
07/01/2022 | Sponsored by Oertli | 7 min read
John Bolger, Clinic Director at My-iClinic in London, UK, explains how moving on from factory settings can evolve a surgeon’s phaco technique
06/30/2022 | Julien Buratto | 4 min read
How can cryptocurrency and blockchain ultimately help ophthalmologists – and patients?
06/23/2022 | Duncan Welling | 8 min read
How do we facilitate ophthalmic innovation when nobody knows who knows what?
06/20/2022 | Amir-Mobarez Parasta | 5 min read
Reusable instruments have long been the status-quo, but is it time for a change?
06/17/2022 | Maria Chen, Haishan Jang | 5 min read
Could regenerative peptide therapy pave the way for new treatment methods for severe dry eye?
06/13/2022 | Sumit “Sam” Garg | 7 min read
Are pupil-modulating presbyopia-correcting drops the future of customizable vision correction for pseudophakic patients?
06/13/2022 | Sponsored by CSO Italia | 3 min read
Fabrizio Zeri explains why he couldn’t do without the Antares+ corneal topographer and the Sirius+ tomograph and corneal topographer
06/07/2022 | Milton Yogi | 5 min read
My memories from years spent with Formula 1 Brazilian Grand Prix drivers and crews
05/24/2022 | Ken Lin | 2 min read
When I was asked about my favorite MIGS device, it was an easy question to answer: Trabectome!
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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