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Business & Profession

Business & Profession Basic & Translational Research

Bitesize Breakthroughs

| Phoebe Harkin

The latest ophthalmology news – in brief

Business & Profession Retina

Tackling the Root Cause of Genetic Blindness

Positive results spur a pivotal phase III trial for choroideremia gene therapy

Business & Profession Cataract

Too Old to Operate?

| Phoebe Harkin

A Canadian study asks: are older physicians an increased risk to patients during surgery?

Business & Profession Other

Let There Be… Lasers

As a Nobel Prize in Physics goes to a woman for the first time in 55 years, we shine a stark light on the issues faced by women in ophthalmology.

Business & Profession Refractive

The Light Adjustable Lens

| Roy Freeman and Vance Thompson

Roy Freeman of RxSight guides us through the technology

Business & Profession Refractive

Twin Benefits

| Gary Wörtz

Keeping the future of ophthalmology open to adjustment and new technologies

Business & Profession Refractive

Building Blocks

| Harvey Uy

How modular technologies hold the promise of perfect vision for patients

Business & Profession Cataract

Adjusting to the Future

| Ruth Steer

Leading lights in the field of cataract and refractive surgery consider the impact of adjustable technologies

Business & Profession Cataract

A Perfect Solution?

| Ralph Chu

Why I think femtosecond laser adjustment of IOLs is the future of cataract and refractive surgery

Business & Profession Cataract

Perspectives from the Bench

| Liliana Werner

We discuss the potential of adjustable lens technology with Liliana Werner, one of the world leaders in IOL research.

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