05/11/2015 | Irv Arons
Gene and stem cell therapies hold the promise of restoring vision in patients with retinal diseases – but who should be paying for these treatments, and how?
We look at the last 50 years of Fight for Sight – the projects it has funded, and the discoveries its funding helped to achieve.
Ophthalmologists and other eye health stakeholders lobby UK Parliament to implement improved sight loss and eye health services
03/16/2015 | Roisin McGuigan
Italy reimburses off-label bevacizumab use in ophthalmology – pharma complains to the European Commission.
New testing methods could help eliminate the neglected tropical disease
12/08/2014 | Mark Hillen
Peek Retina is an adaptor for your smartphone that promises easy and high-quality fundoscopy – no matter if you’re in Scotland or sub-Saharan Africa
09/09/2014 | Roisin McGuigan
An overstretched UK hospital that subcontracted cataract surgery is faced with a 48.3 percent complication rate. Who foots the legal bill?
Popular culture has always viewed eyes as being things of beauty. But there’s more to the eye than the color of your irides.
06/18/2014 | Anita Nevyas-Wallace
Dramatic improvements in the results from an astigmatic keratotomy model suggest that the femtosecond laser may be more than a rich ophthalmologist’s toy after all.
06/17/2014 | David Huang, Joannah Vaughan
With childhood vision disorders like amblyopia and strabismus, early diagnosis is the key to treatment success.
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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