09/06/2019 | Sponsored by Rayner
Rayner turns its focus to big data and patient centricity with a new digital platform: RayPRO.
09/06/2019 | Sponsored by Optimo Medical
With Optimeyes software providing surgeons with accurate predictions, patients with lower levels of astigmatism can finally experience the best vision
08/28/2019 | Neda Shamie
Strategic planning and education are key to establishing a cross-linking center of excellence and attracting patient referrals
08/27/2019 | Darcy Wendel
How an amblyopia app is tackling the global vision crisis – starting with kids
08/27/2019 | Farhad Hafezi
What drives progress in medicine? Identifying and meeting unmet needs
08/10/2019 | Gus Gazzard
SLT is an effective intervention for newly-diagnosed patients – and now we can prove it
08/09/2019 | Paul Foster
Research groups around the UK are investigating over 100,000 clinical eye images and other data gathered by the UK Biobank
08/09/2019 | Dawn Sim
In the UK, just 1,500 ophthalmologists manage nine million outpatient appointments each year. This imbalance needs to change
08/09/2019 | Aleksandra Jones
Eight Moorfields experts share their vision of big data, AI and personalized medicine in current and future ophthalmic practice
08/07/2019 | Konstantinos Balaskas
Using digital technologies to streamline care for patients with common retinal conditions
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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