06/26/2019 | Aleksandra Jones
Our annual image issue is here... and it is more beautiful than ever
06/25/2019 | Aleksandra Jones
There is almost endless potential to AI in ophthalmology, but it will never replace human judgement
Sitting Down With… Robert MacLaren, Vitreoretinal Surgeon, Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Oxford, UK
05/23/2019 | Aleksandra Jones
This month’s image, showing pigmentation on the lens – epi capsular star – was chosen as “Best in Show” at ASCRS 2019
05/15/2019 | Aleksandra Jones
The peripheral detachment in this month’s image was missed during a routine eye test, but picked up using an Optos device
05/10/2019 | Aleksandra Jones
The Ophthalmologist talks with Rahul Ali, Orbis Country Director for India on eye care projects, the REACH initiative and more
04/29/2019 | Aleksandra Jones
Regular eye tests are important for us all – but they are vital for the world’s children
04/15/2019 | Aleksandra Jones
Our annual Power List features the biggest figures in ophthalmology, after a record number of votes registered, and an influx of new names.
04/02/2019 | Aleksandra Jones
The image shows en face OCT visualization of macular photoreceptor loss in choroideremia
03/26/2019 | Aleksandra Jones
A fresh take on our Power List brings a five-fold increase in the number of votes – and many new faces
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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