08/16/2021 | Abha Amin
What is it like to use the Yamane technique for the first time?
08/12/2021 | Geoffrey Potjewyd
We have the prime gene suspects of AMD – but is a private eye needed to find the smoking gun and assign a therapeutic target?
08/11/2021 | Geoffrey Potjewyd
Mouse vision is presumed to have low spatial resolution – but the discovery of the focea begs to differ
07/29/2021 | Aleksandra Jones
Robert MacLaren is The Ophthalmologist's regular contributor; here, we revisit the most interesting of his articles and conversations
07/15/2021 | Geoffrey Potjewyd
A magnetic field-sensitive protein identified in the retinas of birds may be responsible for remarkably precise seasonal migration
07/05/2021 | Aleksandra Jones
Using OCT angiography to assess patients with sickle cell retinopathy before the disease progresses to irreversible vision loss
06/25/2021 | Peter Kaiser
Selectively blocking a single pathway of the complement cascade may lead to the first approved geographic atrophy therapy
06/23/2021 | Geoffrey Potjewyd
The latest prize-winning research posters in bitesize portions
06/16/2021 | Geoffrey Potjewyd
To sneak a peek at Alzheimer’s disease progression, it may be possible to look through the eye to assess changes in retinal vasculature
06/11/2021 | Aleksandra Jones
This month’s image shows a coronal section of an eye from a specimen of the Museum of Anatomy of the Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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