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Subspecialties Professional Development

Fortune Favors the True

| Cynthia Matossian

Cynthia Matossian, Founder and Medical Director of Matossian Eye Associates

Subspecialties Cataract

Polymers and PCO: the IOL Material Lowdown

| Mark Hillen

When you have a big dataset, what was once suspected can now be confirmed.

Subspecialties Cataract

The Ophthalmologist and Alcon at ESCRS 2017

The Ophthalmologist’s team are in Lisbon for ESCRS 2017

Subspecialties Professional Development

Ignore the “Gurus” and Follow the Evidence

| Sheraz Daya

Sheraz Daya, Ophthalmologist and Medical Director of Centre for Sight in the UK

Subspecialties Cataract

MINI WELL® A Better Vision

Highlights from the Milan 2017 SIFI User Meeting

Subspecialties Cataract

CTF?! A Completely Different Approach!

| Sponsored by Ophtec

How new optics are giving patients good distance, intermediate and near vision – and smooth transitions in between.

Subspecialties Refractive

A New Hope

| Deepinder Dhaliwal

Why certain myopic children should have refractive surgery.

Subspecialties Cataract

The Art of Eyes: Part 4

Art is everywhere. Let's explore some exquisite images of all things ophthalmic…

Subspecialties Cataract

The Art of Eyes: Part 3

Art is everywhere. Let's explore some exquisite images of all things ophthalmic…

Subspecialties Cataract

The Art of Eyes: Part 2

Art is everywhere. Let's explore some exquisite images of all things ophthalmic…

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