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Subspecialties Professional Development

The Path to the Podium

| Aleksandra Jones

Following the success of the 2021 Power List, five influential women discuss the career and life milestones on their way to positions of power

Subspecialties Cataract

The IOLs Have Eyes

| Sponsored by Teleon

Episode 3: Mars Attacks, in which the IOLs – on their way back from ESCRS – experience an extra-terrestrial invasion armed with the scariest weapon

Subspecialties Pediatric

Think of the Children!

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

A UK survey highlights parents’ uncertainty over their children’s eyesight

Subspecialties Cataract

Premium Precision for Presbyopia

| Sponsored by Ophtec

Youngsub Eom talks about his experience with Precizon Presbyopic Toric IOL, providing clear vision at all distances with very few halos or glare

Subspecialties Cataract

Taking Full Advantage of Automated Capsulotomy

| Sponsored by Teleon

Ramin Khoramnia outlines his experience with Teleon Surgical’s IOL portfolio – and explains how better haptic design can help put success in the bag

Subspecialties Cataract

Exceptional Vision in the Absence of Aberrations

| Sponsored by Teleon

Andrew Luff talks about using Teleon Surgical’s Acunex Vario and Acunex Vario Toric IOLs for premium cataract procedures

Subspecialties Cataract

The IOLs Have Eyes

| Sponsored by Teleon

Episode 2: The Blind Date, in which Lenny and Lucy visit IOL Land

Subspecialties Cataract

Customized Femtosecond Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery for the Next Generation

| Sponsored by LENSAR

To address the increasing requirements for customization and precision, the LENSAR Laser System delivers state-of-the-art FLACS with advanced imaging

Subspecialties Cataract

The IOLs Have Eyes

| Sponsored by Teleon

Episode 1: Dawn of the Depth – in which Lenny faces the horror of realization...

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

ARVO 2021: Prize-Winning Posters

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

The latest prize-winning research posters in bitesize portions

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