08/14/2023 | Alun Evans | 2 min read
EverPatch granted 510(K) FDA clearance
08/11/2023 | Sarah Healey
This issue’s image shows a silicone drop seen in the anterior vitreous
08/09/2023 | Alun Evans | 2 min read
Plant-derived polysaccharide with corneal adhesive capabilities
08/07/2023 | Sarah Healey | 6 min read
FDA approve new treatment for geographic atrophy
08/04/2023 | Oscelle Boye | 2 min read
08/03/2023 | Gok Ratnarajan | 5 min read
07/28/2023 | Sponsored by RxSight | 4 min read
The Light Adjustable Lens - offering post-surgery customization for cataract patients
07/26/2023 | Sarah Healey | 2 min read
A new retinal aging clock set to provide clearer diagnoses and develop understandings of the aging process
07/26/2023 | Sarah Healey
Showcasing artwork from ophthalmologists and visually impaired artists
07/25/2023 | Alun Evans
Novel gene therapy for degenerative retinal diseases offers potential hope for vision restoration
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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