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Basic & Translational Research

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Root of the Problem

| Phoebe Harkin

Researchers uncover potential drug target in Sjögren’s syndrome

Subspecialties Comprehensive

Bulge, Begone

| Phoebe Harkin

An end to thyroid-related eye bulging?

Subspecialties Retina

An Eye for Autism?

| Lauren Robertson

A new eye scan device aims at earlier autism diagnosis

Subspecialties Health Economics and Policy

COVID-19: Protect, Research, Treat

| Aleksandra Jones

A round-up of novel coronavirus-related stories

Subspecialties Glaucoma

The Burden of Proof

| Kaweh Mansouri

The glaucoma subspecialty is now at a turning point, but new approaches, including MIGS, must be based on high-quality evidence

Subspecialties Retina

Inspiration from Nature

| Michael Stumpp

The DARPin platform has the AMD and DME treatment burden firmly in its sights – but that’s only the beginning

Subspecialties Comprehensive

Bitesize Breakthroughs

| Lauren Robertson

The latest ophthalmology research – in brief

Subspecialties Retina

Eat, Shoot or Drop?

| Lauren Robertson

The standard of care for wet AMD presents a big burden for patients, so what other options are out there?

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

A Golden Age

| Aleksandra Jones

Could the ELOVL2 gene be the key to new therapeutics for age-related eye diseases?

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

The One Percent

| Phoebe Harkin

Fight for Sight unites the UK’s leading ophthalmologists to highlight a severe research funding gap

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