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199 search results for ‘*’

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

The “Ghabra Technique” in Keratoconus Treatment

| Marwan Ghabra | 4 min read

How my innovative surgical approach opens up new possibilities for keratoconus management

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

Verifying Your Vision and Values

| Bernie Haffey | 4 min read

The importance to your organization of a vision statement – and how this concept influenced this year’s inaugural Ophthalpreneurs meeting

Business & Profession Comprehensive

The Ecosystem of Artificial Intelligence

| Pearse Keane | 5 min read

The technological breakthroughs of the past put the current state of artificial intelligence into context

Subspecialties Practice Management

Toward Eye Care Equality in the US

| David J. Browning | 3 min read

Office ownership, healthcare insurance, and charity care in US ophthalmology

Business & Profession Comprehensive

Sixteen Weeks to Launch!

| Rod Solar | 7 min read

How to build a thriving ophthalmology private practice

Subspecialties Glaucoma

Changed Minds, Changed Algorithm

| 5 min read

Now that procedural intervention in early glaucoma is becoming more broadly accepted, how should the treatment algorithm change?

Subspecialties Retina

Vision Science in NFL Officiating

| Joshua Ong, Andrew G. Lee | 5 min read

Experts assess whether the National Football League could benefit from vision science

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

The Eight “S’s” of Healthy Summer Eyes

| Laura M. Periman | 7 min read

What your patients should know to achieve a healthy, comfortable ocular surface while enjoying the warm season

Subspecialties Glaucoma

Neuroprotection: The Future of Glaucoma Treatment?

| Ghazi O. Bou Ghanem, David J. Calkins | 3 min read

Assessing the power of neurorepair, early detection, and combination therapy in glaucoma management

Subspecialties Practice Management

Securing a Green Future

| John Hovanesian | 4 min read

It might pay to stop to think about the logic of ophthalmic regulations that stifle sustainability

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