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Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

High-Pressure Measurements

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

OCT could take the risk away from intracranial pressure measurements

Subspecialties Refractive

Varied Views on VUITY

| Aleksandra Jones

What do refractive experts think about the recently approved presbyopia eye drops?

Business & Profession Professional Development

Raising the Bar

| Matthew O’Donnell

What separates a good ophthalmologist and a great ophthalmologist – how can this gap be bridged?

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

The Template for Transplantation

| Che J Connon

Che Connon uses tissue templating techniques to engineer corneal tissue to meet the growing global demand for transplantations

Business & Profession Basic & Translational Research

If Not Science, Then What?

| Maureen McCall

I love being a vision researcher – like most people I know in this field. And if that ever changes, I will too.

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

The Retina Blueprint

| Jongmin Kim, Dong-Woo Cho

Are we on the verge of 3D printing retinas for research and transplantation?

Business & Profession Professional Development

Eyes on the Tries

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

We interview Dan Morris, the Welsh Rugby Union match day ophthalmologist on sports ophthalmology and the Six Nations Championship.

Business & Profession Professional Development

One in a Million

| Aleksandra Jones

Sitting Down With… Gladys Atto, ophthalmologist at Moroto Regional Referral Hospital, Moroto, Uganda

Subspecialties Refractive

Closing the Distance

| Graham D. Barrett

How does modest monovision work as a strategy for balancing near and far vision?

Subspecialties Retina

The Laser's Edge

| Sponsored by Norlase

Timeline tracking the key developments that culminated in the production of Norlase LION and LEAF technologies

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