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Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research, Imaging & Diagnostics, Neuro-ophthalmology

OCT Under Pressure


The pressure within the skull is a critically important factor in numerous conditions, including traumatic brain injuries and intracranial haemorrhage. But the only way to monitor intracranial pressure relies on a probe or catheter inserted into the intracranial compartment – an invasive procedure that brings the risk of further complications.

Looking for an alternative, researchers from Oslo University Hospital-Ullevål and the University of Oslo, Norway, have been exploring the predictive potential of optical coherence tomography (OCT). The team’s previous research showed that OCT could be used to estimate static intracranial pressure measurements. And their latest work provides evidence that OCT parameters can also predict elevated pulsatile intracranial pressure (1). Are we witnessing the birth of a noninvasive alternative? OCT manufacturers will likely be watching with a keen eye…

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About the Author
Geoffrey Potjewyd

Associate Editor, The Ophthalmologist

The lion’s share of my PhD was spent in the lab, and though I mostly enjoyed it (mostly), what I particularly liked was the opportunity to learn about the latest breakthroughs in research. Communicating science to a wider audience allows me to scratch that itch without working all week only to find my stem cell culture has given up the ghost on the Friday (I’m not bitter). Fortunately for me, it turns out writing is actually fun – so by working for Texere I get to do it every day, whilst still being an active member of the clinical and research community.

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