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Business & Profession Education and Training

Brightening the Eyes of a Nation

| Oscelle Boye | 8 min read

How HelpMeSee and Madagascar’s Ministry of Public Health are working to increase the number of cataract specialists working in rural areas by 20-fold

Subspecialties Business and Innovation

Small Packages

| Alun Evans | 4 min read

Could nanotechnology offer a new way forward for sustained ocular drug delivery?

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

Imaging the Future

| Alun Evans | 2 min read

Haag-Streit Slit Lamp Imaging Competition

Subspecialties Retina

Let There Be Light

| Sarah Healey | 3 min read

Meet the OPECT device that is able to emulate visual pathways and mimic synaptic neural functions

Business & Profession Cataract

AI: The Future No Longer

| Julian Upton | 5 min read

“What is the impact of AI on ophthalmology?” is no longer a question for the future, but one we should be answering now

Business & Profession Education and Training

The Role We Play

| Dagny Zhu | 7 min read

How the power of being an ophthalmic role model or mentor extends far beyond the one, the majority, and the current

Subspecialties Cataract

Delivering a Dropless Pathway in Cataract Surgery

| Sponsored by Rayner | 4 min read

Subspecialties Retina

Filling in the Gaps

| Sarah Healey

Investigating biomarkers for VCID

Subspecialties Cataract

Excimer Excellence: From Refractive to Glaucoma Surgery

| Sponsored by Elios Vision | 6 min read

Business & Profession Cataract

Into the Unknown

| Arjan Hura | 4 min read

Rising Star, Arjan Hura discusses what may be in store for the future of his career, refractive surgery, and ophthalmology at large

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