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Business & Profession Professional Development

The Path to Success

| Aleksandra Jones

A virtual roundtable featuring five of the most influential female figures in ophthalmology

Business & Profession Education and Training

Inside the VISION 2020 LINKS Program

| M. Scott Hickman, Randal Avolio, Brenton Finklea, Ciku Mathenge, Jacquelyn O’Banion, Sadik Taju, Marcia Zondervan

Building long-term and long-distance ophthalmic partnerships to share knowledge, enhance education, and improve patient care worldwide

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

The Next Big Thing?

| Edward Holland

Prevalent and commonly overlooked, Demodex blepharitis is coming into view as a potential therapy moves through the pipeline

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

Are We Nearly There Yet?

| Aleksandra Jones

Improving eye health of minority communities should be a priority, and one of the ways to do it is with a diverse ophthalmic workforce

Business & Profession Cataract

Always Aiming Higher

| Aleksandra Jones

Sitting Down With… Boris Malyugin, Professor of Ophthalmology, Deputy Director General at the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery State Institution, Russia

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Dry Eye Debate: A Driver for Practice Recovery and Growth

| Aleksandra Jones

During a live roundtable, an international panel of leading experts discussed steps that practices can take to effectively manage dry eye disease

Subspecialties Comprehensive

Can Deep Learning Detect Dementia?

| Phoebe Harkin

The latest AI updates – plus a look through the archives

Business & Profession COVID-19

The Other Side

| Tamara R. Fountain

A response to Sandra Yeh’s March op-ed

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

When Image Quality Is Everything

| Emily Malbon

A conversation with Peter Holm, Head of Imaging & Ultrasound at Moorfields Eye Hospital

Subspecialties Cataract

The Light Fantastic

| Sponsored by RxSight

The first and only FDA-approved IOL that can be adjusted postoperatively is delivering superior visual outcomes

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