10/11/2021 | Geoffrey Potjewyd
Just over a year on from the tragedy of the Beirut Port explosion – what eye injuries occurred and how has eyesight changed six months on?
10/08/2021 | Sponsored by TOMEY GmbH
For its 30-year anniversary, TOMEY GmbH celebrates the coveted combination of technological know-how, business acumen, and unparalleled team spirit
10/07/2021 | Simon J. Clark
Using protein-based mass spectrometry, researchers have identified a family of proteins responsible for dry AMD pathology that can be therapeutically
10/06/2021 | Elizabeth Yeu
Efforts should be made to diagnose OSD conditions correctly, so that when a new treatment arrives – we are ready to put it to work for our patients
10/05/2021 | Sponsored by RVL Pharmaceuticals
How has the introduction of a non-surgical acquired ptosis treatment changed exam and treatment protocols?
10/04/2021 | I. Paul Singh
You can prescribe a patient a drug, but you can’t make them compliant
10/04/2021 | Sponsored by Teleon
Episode 3: Mars Attacks, in which the IOLs – on their way back from ESCRS – experience an extra-terrestrial invasion armed with the scariest weapon
10/01/2021 | Geoffrey Potjewyd
A UK survey highlights parents’ uncertainty over their children’s eyesight
Cannabis use during pregnancy may alter retinal development in offspring, says mouse model study
09/30/2021 | Nikki Hafezi
How do you make a name for yourself in ophthalmology, when you’re carrying a name that’s already big in the field?
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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