The way that babies process information from eye expressions adds another piece to the social and emotional development puzzle
11/13/2014 | Nikki Hafezi
Necessity is the mother of invention: a problem needs solving, someone has a good idea, an invention is born. In clinical medicine, ideas often arise from the act of treating a patient
11/13/2014 | Mark Hillen
Maurice Saatchi wants new legislation to free British doctors from fear of litigation in the pursuit of innovation. Others view it as a charlatan’s charter
10/17/2014 | Mark Hillen
Showcasing the greatest ophthalmic advances of the year
10/17/2014 | Roisin McGuigan
Alimera and Allergan benefit from new FDA approvals, Allergan continues to battle Valeant, and Oculentis sues Lenstec over IOL patent infringement
The world’s top clinicians and captains of industry came together in London last month to discuss the future of ophthalmology. Here’s what we learned
10/10/2014 | Adam Jacobs
Peer reviewers should insist that tricky statistical techniques are explained clearly to non-statisticians.
10/10/2014 | Shafiq Rehma
Five tips to ensure patients’ expectations of vision following cataract surgery are grounded in reality.
10/10/2014 | Gerd Auffarth, Florian Kretz
New intraocular lenses offer extended depth of focus, but this can come at a cost: glares, halos and comets. Can these be designed away?
10/10/2014 | José Cunha-Vaz
Anti-VEGF agents are effective in treating DME – but not always indefinitely. Steroids work – but accelerate cataract development.
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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