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Reading Scleral Signals

The way that babies process information from eye expressions adds another piece to the social and emotional development puzzle

Business & Profession Professional Development

You Have a Great Idea. Now What?

| Nikki Hafezi

Necessity is the mother of invention: a problem needs solving, someone has a good idea, an invention is born. In clinical medicine, ideas often arise from the act of treating a patient

Business & Profession Other

The Road to Hell Is Paved with Good Intentions

| Mark Hillen

Maurice Saatchi wants new legislation to free British doctors from fear of litigation in the pursuit of innovation. Others view it as a charlatan’s charter

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

The Innovation Awards 2014

| Mark Hillen

Showcasing the greatest ophthalmic advances of the year

Business & Profession Professional Development

This Month in Business

| Roisin McGuigan

Alimera and Allergan benefit from new FDA approvals, Allergan continues to battle Valeant, and Oculentis sues Lenstec over IOL patent infringement

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

The Top 5 Lessons from Ophthalmology Futures 2014

| Mark Hillen

The world’s top clinicians and captains of industry came together in London last month to discuss the future of ophthalmology. Here’s what we learned

Business & Profession Professional Development

How Much Statistical Expertise Does an Ophthalmologist Really Need?

| Adam Jacobs

Peer reviewers should insist that tricky statistical techniques are explained clearly to non-statisticians.

Business & Profession Refractive

Managing Expectations

| Shafiq Rehma

Five tips to ensure patients’ expectations of vision following cataract surgery are grounded in reality.

Business & Profession Refractive

Is Better the Enemy of Good?

| Gerd Auffarth, Florian Kretz

New intraocular lenses offer extended depth of focus, but this can come at a cost: glares, halos and comets. Can these be designed away?

Business & Profession Retina

Should Steroids Be Your First Port of Call in the Pseudophakic Eye?

| José Cunha-Vaz

Anti-VEGF agents are effective in treating DME – but not always indefinitely. Steroids work – but accelerate cataract development.

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