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Business & Profession

Business & Profession Other

The (Dark) Art of Public Relations!

| Mark Hillen

It takes work. But it's more than worth it, when done intelligently.

Business & Profession Glaucoma

A Brief History of MIGS

| Ike Ahmed

The long and controversial journey to microinvasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS), and the quest to retire trabeculectomy

Business & Profession Professional Development

Setting a Great Example

| Mike Burdon

Mike Burdon, President of The UK Royal College of Ophthalmologists.

Business & Profession Professional Development

Questioning the System

| Frederick Fraunfelder and Stevan Whitt

A Physician’s perspective on perplexing pay for performance programs.

Business & Profession Professional Development

Providing For All

| Gullapalli Rao

Gullapalli Rao, Founder and Chair of the L V Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, India.

Business & Profession Basic & Translational Research

Image of the Month

Chaotic corneal patchwork after severe epithelial debridement wound.

Business & Profession Professional Development

This Month in Business

| Mark Hillen

Acquisitions, funding rounds, approvals and IP this month

Business & Profession Professional Development

Small Practices Will Survive

| Ravi Goel

Don’t believe the hype. The future of ophthalmology practices is not all mergers and acquisitions.

Business & Profession Other

Access All Areas

| Mark Hillen

Why, in terms of congresses, bigger isn't always better.

Business & Profession Cataract

Two in One

| Arsham Sheybani and Rajendra S. Apte

Why phacovitrectomy may be a sensible option that makes cents.

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