02/01/2018 | David Almeida
Making a PACT to avoid decision procrastination.
01/31/2018 | Martine Jager
Why I think e-posters risk stripping aware interaction and the potential of collaboration.
01/31/2018 | Ruth Steer
Who are the 100 most influential people in ophthalmology today?
A noninvasive method to monitor disease in the eye.
With the threat of a rising problem, who is responsible?
01/09/2018 | George Beiko
Günther Grabner had a stellar career in ophthalmology. He founded Austria’s first Eye Bank in 1977 in Vienna and was a pioneer in corneal refractive surgery from the early 1980s.
You know, one of the things that makes ophthalmology unique is that we don’t disrobe anyone, and so our life in the clinic with them is much more relaxed and social.
Howard Fine’s reputation precedes him. Whether you’ve seen him riding a motorbike around Hawaii or Alpine mountain ranges with Richard Lindstrom.
Howard Fine on how external influences shaped his practice of ophthalmology, and Günther Grabner on how a career in ophthalmology shaped what he did next: archaeology.
01/09/2018 | Ruth Steer
Introducing the 'smart' polymer that could close ocular injuries on the battlefield.
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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