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Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

Teaching New Dogs Old Tricks

| Oscelle Boye

Is mimicking human eye movements the key to improving machine vision?

Subspecialties Retina

The ON-OFF Switch

| Oscelle Boye | 3 min read

Scientists shine a light on the mechanism that allows people to see shadows in the dark

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Eye Will Remember That

| Oscelle Boye | 2 min read

Protective memory T cells patrol healthy corneas after an immune response, indicating that our eyes don’t forget when they get attacked

Subspecialties Retina

Second Sight

| Oscelle Boye | 3 min read

A new way forward – treating retinal degenerative diseases by bringing human retinas back to life

Subspecialties Cataract

Clearing the Path

| Oscelle Boye

Is treating cataracts without surgery a vision of the future?

Subspecialties Refractive

The Ophthalmologist’s Time Machine: Chapter 5

| Andrzej Grzybowski | 4 min read

Vincenz Fukala, the man who introduced refractive surgery into practice

Subspecialties Glaucoma

Trust the Process… and Other News

| Oscelle Boye | 2 min read

We share some of the most interesting recent glaucoma-focused research

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Thank Me, Laser… and Other News

| Oscelle Boye | 2 min read

We share some of the most interesting recent cornea and ocular surface research

Subspecialties Comprehensive

A Sporting Spectacle

| Julie-Anne Little | 6 min read

How can ophthalmic technology break down the barriers to sporting participation?

Business & Profession Other

What More Can We Do?

| Aleksandra Jones | 8 min read

Ophthalmologists unite to keep deliveries of equipment and supplies reaching Ukraine – can you join them?

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