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Health Economics and Policy

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

The Frontier of Keratoconus Diagnosis

| Elizabeth Yeu

The introduction of accessible genetic testing for keratoconus helps detect the condition and introduce treatment early

Business & Profession Professional Development

When One Size Doesn’t Fit All

| Samuel Masket

Improving your ergonomic set up to ensure a long and healthy career in ophthalmology

Subspecialties Comprehensive

Looking Back at the Beirut Explosion

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

Just over a year on from the tragedy of the Beirut Port explosion – what eye injuries occurred and how has eyesight changed six months on?

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

What’s Under the Ocular Surface Disease Umbrella?

| Elizabeth Yeu

Efforts should be made to diagnose OSD conditions correctly, so that when a new treatment arrives – we are ready to put it to work for our patients

Subspecialties Pediatric

Think of the Children!

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

A UK survey highlights parents’ uncertainty over their children’s eyesight

Subspecialties Retina

Ophthalmology's Advanced Pipeline

| James Pickering

A review of gene and genetic therapies for ophthalmic conditions – and what promises they hold

Business & Profession Professional Development

The Best of Both Worlds

| Mariya Moosajee

Combining the roles of clinician and researcher was not easy. But we can – and should – smooth the path for the next generation.

Subspecialties Health Economics and Policy

AAO 2021: An Invite from Quidel Corporation' Brian P. Smith

| Sponsored by Quidel

Brian P. Smith, General Manager at Quidel Corporation-Eye Health, talks about the company's plans for this year's AAO meeting

Subspecialties Health Economics and Policy

AAO 2021: An Invite from Quidel Corporation

| Sponsored by Quidel

Shawn P. Mullen, Global KOL and Strategic Management at Quidel Corporation-Eye Health, talks about the company's plans for this year's AAO meeting

Subspecialties Health Economics and Policy

Protecting Eyes From the Friday Night Lights

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

Should visors be mandatory to reduce eye injuries in football?

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