Navigated Laser Therapy: Moving into Clinical Practice
This webinar aims at educating physicians about modern-day laser treatment planning and its use in various indications.
sponsored by OD-OS

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In the age of anti-VEGF therapeutics, laser maintains its essential role in the comprehensive management of retinal disease, such as Diabetic Retinopathy, Macular Edema and other indications. Image-guided navigated laser systems have been introduced to replace the manual, operator-dependent techniques for a better quality of care.
The webinar aims at educating physicians about modern-day laser treatment planning and its use in various indications. Prof. Eric Souied and his team were among the first users of the compact Navilas 577s and the first to use pre-planned PRP in regular practice.
Learning Objectives of Webinar:
- Principles of navigated laser and application in a broad application spectrum ranging from focal treatment to rapid pre-planned PRP.
- Using treatment plan transparency for discussion with colleagues and in ensuring a constantly high standard-of-care.
- Adopting subthreshold treatment options e.g. microsecond treatments as a patient-centered alternative.