Nino Hirnschall
The Power List 2015

Nino Hirnschall
Hirnschall’s research interests include IOL power calculation, astigmatism, OCT and patient assessment techniques, glaucoma, and he has developed and patented a novel algorithm for intra-operative IOL power calculation, which he describes as his biggest achievement to date. “I always wanted to make patients happy, deal with something beautiful (nothing is more beautiful than the eye) and work precisely with my hands – that’s why ophthalmology is for me,” he says. In the future he hopes to make his IOL power calculation concept ready for daily use; a novel algorithm for toric IOL power calculation (in progress), and to tackle presbyopia.
A nominator said: “At the age of 30, Nino has published as first author on over 10 of his peer-reviewed articles. He is already considered an expert on IOL optics, biometry and IOL calculation. He is also a very active member in the Young Ophthalmologists committee of the ESCRS, and has given a number of lectures and courses. His dedication to the complex field of optics and engineering and the profound knowledge he has acquired at this early stage of his career are outstanding, and I am convinced that he will have a major impact on future developments in this field.”