David Vollman
The Power List 2017
David Vollman
Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at Washington University School of Medicine in ST. Louis, and Chief of Ophthalmology at the St. Louis VA Health Care System, MO, USA
Vollman’s research interests include healthcare outcomes, cost-effective delivery of healthcare, and quality improvement. He has served a site director for the Ophthalmic Surgery Outcomes Data (OSOD) research project at the St. Louis VA, which has resulted in eight peer-reviewed publications in major ophthalmic journals and 21 abstracts presented at national and international meetings. Vollman has been recognized with multiple awards for his current and prior leadership, including a VA St. Louis Medical Staff Award, an Achievement Award from the AAO, and the William Oxley Thompson Award for early career achievement from The Ohio State University Alumni Association. He is an avid Ohio State University football fan and loves to spend time and travel with his wife and son.