John Marshall
The Power List 2019 – Mentors

John Marshall
Frost Professor of Ophthalmology and Deputy Director responsible for Enterprise, Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London in association with Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK.
John Marshall invented and patented the excimer laser, and today more than 35 million laser vision correction procedures have been performed worldwide. He created the world’s first diode laser for treating the eye problems of diabetes, glaucoma, and aging.
In the words of one of his nominators: “Professor Marshall has encouraged me and given me constructive feedback about my position. He has created networking opportunities for me with fellow women in the sight-loss sector.” Another person added: “He is dedicated to supporting his students and staff, while always finding time to advise the staff and students of his friends and colleagues on a variety of professional, as well as personal, matters. John is one of the few who also takes time to remember and guide the “unsung heroes” of the ophthalmic world, hosting an annual lunch for a range of people in the ophthalmic sector to both thank them for their support, and encourage new networks and partnerships.”
Who have been your mentors?
My mentors were Kit Pedler, Norman Ashton and David Maurice.
What was the luckiest break of your career?
The luckiest break was getting funded by the Royal Air Force to work with Kit Pedler on laser damage to the eye.
What would be a piece of advice you’d give to your younger self?
I would tell my younger self to choose tomorrow’s subject today; in 1960s it was lasers, today it’s genes.
What’s the best part of working in ophthalmology?
Not being an ophthalmologist – the best thing is choosing good ophthalmologists to work with.