04/25/2022 | Aleksandra Jones
Following the publication of The Ophthalmologist Power List 2022, we share your overwhelmingly positive feedback
04/20/2022 | Aleksandra Jones
The what, where, who, and how many times of the 2022 List
04/19/2022 | Andrzej Grzybowski
How eye physiology and Goethe helped Purkinje launch his scientific career
04/14/2022 | Gerd Auffarth
Is there a more efficient approach to treat glaucoma patients who cannot maintain eye drop adherence?
04/11/2022 | Aleksandra Jones
This month’s image shows a side effect of intravitreal injections that is not uncommon…
04/08/2022 | Oscelle Boye
Are we blind to the impact that improved eye health could have on the world?
04/07/2022 | Aleksandra Jones
The wait is over: our 2022 Power List has been published!
04/07/2022 | Jonathan Myers, Douglas M. Wisner
From ergonomics to high performance dependability – a dual ophthalmic appraisal of the Haag-Streit product range
04/07/2022 | Juan Álvarez de Toledo Elizalde
NGENUITY® offers forward facing digital visualization for anterior surgery
04/07/2022 | Gregor Hawlina, Matej Beltram
An expert unpacking of the SLT ascension to first line treatment for glaucoma
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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