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Business & Profession Professional Development

Embracing the 42 Percent

| Aleksandra Jones | 2 min read

Is it possible to remove burnout from our reality?

Subspecialties Neuro-ophthalmology

Mystery (Mis)Diagnosis

| Friedemann Paul | 7 min read

Friedemann Paul explains the importance of NMOSD awareness

Subspecialties Retina

Retinal A to Z… and Other News

| Geoffrey Potjewyd | 3 min read

A brief journey through the latest retina research

Business & Profession Cornea / Ocular Surface

Stemming the Tide

| Rajesh Sinha, Partha Biswas, Arindam Dey, Prashant Sada | 14 min read

What can be done to stop the epidemic of evaporative dry eye in India?

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

The Innovation Guessing Game

| Duncan Welling | 8 min read

How do we facilitate ophthalmic innovation when nobody knows who knows what?

Subspecialties Cataract

Clearing the Path

| Oscelle Boye

Is treating cataracts without surgery a vision of the future?

Subspecialties Refractive

The Ophthalmologist’s Time Machine: Chapter 5

| Andrzej Grzybowski | 4 min read

Vincenz Fukala, the man who introduced refractive surgery into practice

Business & Profession Practice Management

Single Use, Multiple Benefits

| Amir-Mobarez Parasta | 5 min read

Reusable instruments have long been the status-quo, but is it time for a change?

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

The Road to Regeneration

| Maria Chen, Haishan Jang | 5 min read

Could regenerative peptide therapy pave the way for new treatment methods for severe dry eye?

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

A RAPID Revolution

| Peter Szurman, Annekatrin Rickmann | 7 min read

Making the gold standard for endothelial corneal disease treatment safer and easier

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