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Professional Development

Business & Profession Professional Development

Burnout: The Other Epidemic

| Ritcha Saxena

Medical student burnout is an age-old problem exacerbated by the pandemic – and students need better tools to protect their health and wellbeing

Subspecialties Refractive

Refractive Surgery on the Side?

| Aleksandra Jones

Not anymore. Four refractive specialists share their views on the future of the subspecialty and making the best start in the refractive surgery space

Subspecialties Glaucoma

GlaucomaFest: Accelerating Innovation Across Medical Education in Ophthalmology

| Sponsored by Santen Pharmaceuticals

GlaucomaFest: the first of its kind in medical education, providing a brand new, immersive virtual experience for ophthalmologists in Europe

Business & Profession COVID-19

Crisis Management

| David B. Mandell

What five financial steps should ophthalmologists take during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Business & Profession Comprehensive

The Hue of Hope

| Phoebe Harkin

Practical, enduring, uplifting – why 2021 needs to be about feeding the human spirit

Business & Profession Professional Development

Change the Things You Can

| Lauren Hock

Everything you need to know about responding to patient-initiated verbal harassment

Subspecialties Health Economics and Policy

Protecting Nonprofits

| Noelle Whitestone, Hunter Cherwek

With the challenge of COVID-19, it’s more important than ever that NGOs strengthen their medical volunteer programs

Subspecialties COVID-19

Sit Down, Speak Up

| Valentina Gracia Rey

With conferences no longer bound by geography, the spotlight can shift from “the West” to the rest of the world

Subspecialties COVID-19

World Wide Web(inars)

| Atanas Yuliyanov Bogoev

The second wave is upon us and, as many countries go into lockdown, it is more important than ever to focus on the positives

Business & Profession Professional Development

What You Leave Behind

| Aleksandra Jones

On the second anniversary of Jack J. Kanski’s death, we celebrate his legacy

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