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Practice Management

Business & Profession Glaucoma

Safe Simple Success

| Zachary Vest

A dependable implantation approach and appropriate patient selection yields beneficial outcomes with Xen Gel Stent

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

On Solid Ground

| Johanna Fischer, Stefan Huber | 4 min read

ALBOMED viscoelastic provide a firm foundation for ophthalmic and orthopedic surgery

Business & Profession Education and Training

Case Quiz: Starry Starry Sight

| Andrzej Grzybowski | 3 min read

Can you answer five questions about Charmaine Malabanan’s case from the Philippines?

Business & Profession Education and Training

Case Quiz: Strawberry Eyes

| Andrzej Grzybowski | 3 min read

Can you answer three questions about Josemaria Castro’s case from the Philippines?

Subspecialties Glaucoma

Navigating the Canal

| Sponsored by Nova Eye Medical | 4 min read

What is canaloplasty’s place in the glaucoma treatment algorithm?

Subspecialties Glaucoma

My Canaloplasty Journey

| Norbert Koerber | 4 min read

Norbert Koerber on why canaloplasty with the iTrack™ Advance is a safe and effective early intervention in mild-to-moderate glaucoma patients

Subspecialties Imaging & Diagnostics

Data In Harmony

| Dr Marko Lukic

How Topcon’s Harmony Data Management Brings Solutions to Teleophthalmology

Business & Profession Health Economics and Policy

In the Ophthalmologist’s Eye: China

| Tien Wong | 9 min read

Tien Wong shares the experience of ophthalmologists practising in China and the country’s latest health care initiatives

Business & Profession Health Economics and Policy

The Price of Prescribing

| Thomas V. Johnson | 9 min read

Transfers of value are common, but how do they affect your prescribing habits, and how does this affect patients? The results may surprise you.

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

Delivering Value-Based Eye Care

| Erin McEachren | 3 min read

How one team is creating a surgical outcome-based registry that puts the patient at the center of care

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