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Health Economics and Policy

Subspecialties Retina

Ebb and Flow

| Aleksandra Jones

Using OCT angiography to assess patients with sickle cell retinopathy before the disease progresses to irreversible vision loss

Business & Profession Education and Training

Those Who Can, Teach Virtually

| Larry Benjamin

Virtual training can be a revolutionary way of making surgical skills more accessible, provided some rules are followed

Business & Profession Education and Training

The Aspiring Ophthalmologist’s Guide to the Galaxy

| Geoffrey Potjewyd

How to make the process of securing an ophthalmology specialist training post as smooth as possible

Business & Profession Education and Training

The Real Winners

| George Spaeth

My thoughts on grueling surgical training programs

Subspecialties Glaucoma

Let There Be (Laser) Light

| Augusto Azuara-Blanco

Promoting an evidence-based approach, the EGS Guidelines Committee has changed recommendations for the initial open angle glaucoma treatment

Business & Profession Practice Management

Just for the Record

| Jason Handza

Five reasons why you should care about your electronic health records system

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

Lessons from the Octopus Teacher

| Aleksandra Jones

What does a colorblind octopus have to do with treating age-related macular degeneration?

Business & Profession Professional Development

Side by Side

| Aleksandra Jones

Twin sisters are breaking barriers to save sight in rural India

Subspecialties Cornea / Ocular Surface

Coming Up Dry

| Aleksandra Jones

Dry eye disease affects not only quality of life and productivity, but also mental health

Business & Profession Education and Training

Inside the VISION 2020 LINKS Program

| M. Scott Hickman, Randal Avolio, Brenton Finklea, Ciku Mathenge, Jacquelyn O’Banion, Sadik Taju, Marcia Zondervan

Building long-term and long-distance ophthalmic partnerships to share knowledge, enhance education, and improve patient care worldwide

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