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Health Economics and Policy

Subspecialties Pediatric

Summer Slide: Child Eye Health

| Geoffrey Potjewyd | 1 min read

Grades may suffer from a summer slide, but children’s eye health shouldn’t slide into damage – do parents know how to stop this?

Business & Profession Health Economics and Policy

Cleaning Up Congress

| Aleksandra Jones, Oscelle Boye | 8 min read

ECSRS President Oliver Findl shares how the organization is moving towards a more sustainable future in both the operating rooms and the conference

Business & Profession Health Economics and Policy

Waste Not, Want Not

| John A. Hovanesian | 7 min read

For industry, sustainability and reducing waste has the potential to increase the bottom line

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

Sustained Innovation

| Sponsored by Dompé | 2 min read

Georgea Pasedis explains how Dompé are uniting science with global needs in their quest for sustainability and innovation.

Business & Profession Health Economics and Policy

Training the World

| Sponsored by HelpMeSee Inc. | 3 min read

Saro Jahani talks about how HelpMeSee are working to eradicate cataract associated visual impairment and blindness on a global scale

Business & Profession Professional Development

Look Up

| Dan Morris | 7 min read

Sustainability is now mainstream – so how can ophthalmology reduce its carbon footprint?

Subspecialties Cataract

Sun, Sea, and Cataracts

| Geoffrey Potjewyd | 2 min read

The summer is a time to be out in the sun, but is the risk of cataracts a valid reason for people to stay inside?

Subspecialties Health Economics and Policy

Clarity on Global Disparity

| Geoffrey Potjewyd | 2 min read

Global healthcare disparity puts children at unnecessary risk of eye loss and death from retinoblastoma

Business & Profession Business and Innovation

Sustainability: A Message from Siân Boisseau

| Sponsored by Santen Pharmaceuticals | 2 min read

Santen Pharmaceutical’s Siân Boisseau shares the company’s vision for achieving sustainability in eye care

Subspecialties Basic & Translational Research

Glaucoma’s Unconscionable Risk Factor

| Aleksandra Jones

US Black patients’ risk of advanced vision loss from POAG is six times higher than for white patients

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