04/05/2022 | Aleksandra Jones
Discover some of the latest business announcements from the world of ophthalmology
04/04/2022 | Francisco M. Martinez
Not all screen time is bad for your sight – this video game can treat amblyopia, even in adulthood
03/28/2022 | Frank T. Kerkhoff
Frank T. Kerkhoff describes his experience using LION and how Norlase became his laser savior
03/04/2022 | Ivan Gabrić
Can hybrid IOLs, combining EDoF and diffractive multifocal options, be the right choice for presbyopes?
03/03/2022 | Sponsored by Kala Pharmaceuticals
Kala’s innovative drug delivery technology is designed to enhance efficacy, empowering eye care professionals with a short-term Rx treatment
02/24/2022 | Sponsored by OCULUS
Key measurements for the comprehensive patient assessment, management and education
02/17/2022 | Aleksandra Jones
Updates from the latest American Academy of Ophthalmology meeting
02/14/2022 | Aleksandra Jones
During this live roundtable, leading experts discuss the growing prevalence of myopia
02/09/2022 | Sponsored by Glaukos
How can glaucoma be addressed during cataract surgery?
02/09/2022 | Sponsored by Oertli
How do you take MIGS to the next level?
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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