08/30/2024 | Alun Evans
The Ophthalmologist brings you the top news stories and studies of the week
08/30/2024 | Alun Evans | 8 min read
How early genetic testing for inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) can empower patients to take proactive control of their eye health
08/23/2024 | Alun Evans
08/22/2024 | Alun Evans | 5 min read
08/21/2024 | Alun Evans | 3 min read
Survey finds that younger ophthalmologists prefer laser trabeculoplasty over topical medication for first-line POAG treatment
08/16/2024 | Alun Evans
08/13/2024 | Alun Evans | 3 min read
Could robot-assisted radiotherapy offer a new treatment choice for neovascular age-related macular degeneration?
08/09/2024 | Alun Evans
08/08/2024 | Jamie Irvine, Alun Evans | 10 min read
Showcasing a selection of art from across the spectrum of ophthalmology
08/05/2024 | Alun Evans | 5 min read
A conversation with Tom Poole – the first surgeon in England to perform an artificial cornea transplant
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Redressing Representation
Living with TED: My Race from Patient to Advocate
How Dry Eye Disease Impacts Younger Patients
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