Judy E. Kim
The Power List 2021 – Power List

Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences; Professor at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences; and Director of Teleophthalmology and Research at the Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Why is it important to celebrate women in ophthalmology with this list?
I believe we are all born with a purpose. These women leaders in ophthalmology gathered here found their purposes and worked hard and made many sacrifices to achieve them. By highlighting them and their myriad of vast achievements, it encourages others to achieve more, and our children to role model. Also, strong women are those who look out for others. With this “sisterhood” of women on the 2021 Power List, I hope we can join forces to mentor others, both men and women. By celebrating women in ophthalmology, I hope our voices are heard louder in this often male-dominated field. By recognizing these amazing women, I hope the world can see what we have accomplished thus far and what we can do to improve the future with greater clarity
What can be done to make the field more diverse?
To be more diverse and inclusive, those who have the “power” and “influence” must be intentional and willing to work towards diversity and inclusion. For example, planning a meeting with speakers and moderators, filling an open position in an organization, composing a committee or a panel, nominating and awarding, and hiring an associate are all opportunities to promote diversity and be inclusive. While these are short-term solutions, the long-term solution will be to have a more diverse group of young people to come into our field. Efforts toward this goal may have to start early, possibly as early as high school or college.
What is your proudest professional achievement?
Ask me when I’m retired and have time to look back. Currently, I am just looking forward.
Outside of work, what makes you happy?
I enjoy singing and have sung since I was nine years old, starting as a children’s choir member. I still sing every Sunday at our church as part of the choir and the gospel band. Even during COVID-19, a few of the band members continue to sing to support the online church service, so the congregation can worship from home. Singing is a great way to release stress; rather than yelling at your children, your spouse, or anyone else you want to yell at, just sing out loud! I also enjoy photography and traveling, which go well together. I am a curious person by nature. Therefore, traveling to new places and meeting new people, encountering new experiences and culinary adventures give me great joy. But the happiest times are spent with my husband of 30 years, my daughter, who is an OB/GYN physician and my son, who is a First Lieutenant in the Marine Corps and flies helicopters.