Bonnie An Henderson
The Power List 2021 – Power List

Clinical Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Outside of ophthalmology, what makes you happy?
It sounds cliché, but my family (which includes my husband, three children and two dogs) makes me the happiest. Of all the achievements in my life, my proudest is raising three wonderful people.
Why is it important we celebrate women in the field?
Some people believe that there is no gender inequality. They believe that because it is 2021, men and women are treated equally and fairly. Unfortunately, this is not true. Women’s wages are still a fraction of men’s for the same work. Women are not promoted to the leadership positions as often as men with all other factors being equal. It is important to highlight the successes of women around the globe in order to increase awareness and to inspire younger physicians that there is no limit to professional achievements based on gender.
What can be done to make the field more diverse?
The field is already becoming diverse due to the numbers of women entering medicine. However, gender inequality still exists in the upper levels of organizations. By publishing lists such as The Top 100 Women in Ophthalmology, we hope that qualified women will be considered for openings at the board level, leadership circles, and executive committees.