Extending Surgeon Expectations
Are refractive experts satisfied with their IC-8 IOL patients' outcomes?
sponsored by AcuFocus
A small aperture IOL should provide a presbyopia-correcting solution for patients who, until now, had no options in this area, and give them and others an excellent functional range of vision from near to far, without blurred zones (Figure 1). Does the IC-8 IOL meet these expectations?
Beltz reports that her prospective randomized trial of 40 patients – receiving monovision with either bilateral monofocal IOLs or a monofocal IOL in the dominant eye and the IC-8 IOL in the non-dominant eye – showed that the IC-8 IOL group enjoyed similar near and intermediate visual outcomes but superior distance vision. She adds: “High overall satisfaction and a low symptom rate was expressed in both groups.” Similarly, Boon Ham notes that most or all of his patients attained good vision for both distance and near, and Vote states that patients typically show high quality of vision across a much greater depth of focus, with few night vision problems. Indeed, Vote can express his satisfaction in numbers: “My initial outcomes were part of a published series of 126 patients (1). In patients without ocular comorbidity, 98 percent achieved a UDVA of 6/9, 94 percent a UIVA of 6/12 and 91 percent a UNVA of 6/12. Patients reported good satisfaction with near vision (8.1/10) and distance vision (9.1/10)” (1).

Figure 1. The IC-8 IOL extends depth of focus providing clear range of vision from far to near (1).
"I’m very happy with the IOL – the IC-8 lens performs above and beyond my expectations." Michael Shiu
Chan also can quantify outcomes: “My chart review of 42 recipients of the IC-8 lens in combination with a toric IOL showed that 93 percent had binocular UCDVA of 6/6 or better, 86 percent had binocular UCIVA of 6/7.5 or better, and 90 percent had binocular UCNVA of N6 or better.” He adds that he has seen no significant reduction in brightness perception, and only very low levels of nocturnal dysphotopsias such as starburst and halos. “In addition, the IC-8 lens was very forgiving with regard to refractive surprises.” And Auffarth promises us similar numbers in the future: “The MOSAIC study showed that IC-8 lens gives very good near, intermediate and distance acuity – we will publish the data soon.”
Vote sums up the experts’ feelings like this: “It’s an old cliche but a good one - would you use the lens on yourself or a family member? My father (outdoor lifestyle/fishing) and brother-in-law (builder) each had IC-8 IOL implantations, and each enjoyed excellent outcomes, including spectacle independence, suited to their lifestyles.”
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To view all parts of this series, go to The IC-8 IOL: Big Advantages Through Small Apertures
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- J Hooshmand et al., “Small aperture IC-8 intraocular lens in cataract patients: achieving extended depth of focus through small aperture optics”, Eye, 33, 1096 (2019). PMID: 30792521.